Kybella / PCDC

Fat Dissolver Treatment

Get Rid of Unwanted Fat

Kybella injections dissolve fat cells to reduce small areas of unwanted fat.  A synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring enzyme in the gut, Kybella is the only injectable approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to permanently treat the submental fat, also known as the double chin. Kybella can also be used "off-label" to treat other small pockets of fat on the body, including above the knees and elbows.

At Source Medical Aesthetics we also use "PC/DC" (phosphatidylcholine deoxycholic acid). This is a compounding medication that can be used the same way as Kybella. These acids are naturally formed in your body, and when combined with a powdered compound, it acts to dissolve areas of fat.  The body's natural processes then begin to break down and finally eliminate the fat and cellular waste. PC/DC may be preferred for use on larger areas of the body.

  • What happens during this treatment?

    Each patient has an evaluation  to customize the treatment to your needs. At the start of the treatment, we cleanse the area and use a numbing anesthetic before marking several injection sites. Each session includes multiple injections. 

    You will need more than 1 treatment to produce optimal results. Most patients undergo 2 to 4 treatments, although up to 6 treatments are possible. The treatment sessions are schedule about a month apart.

  • Are the results permanent?

    Yes. Fat cells destroyed by these  injections are eliminated from your body, so the results are considered permanent. Even patients who gain a moderate amount of weight after getting treatments should not notice the re-emergence of a double chin.

Can be used to treat these conditions:

Unwanted Fat

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